Providing accessible information on underrepresented health topics.

Mental Health

Explore different ways to care for your mental health and identify underlying issues.

Menstrual Health

Become more informed about the stages of your cycle, sanitary products and contraception.

Physical Health

Learn about how exercise is particularly beneficial for women, nutrient deficiencies, and more!

Women's Health

FEmpowering Projects

We are striving to make a difference. This is an overview of some projects that we are currently leading:

Puberty Presentations

This project aims to shed light on taboos regarding girls’ puberty and better inform girls of 9-13 years on changes happening to their bodies and why, so they are ready to take on the world!

Mental Health Support Groups

We want to offer a safe environment for girls to share their feeling and guide them to better understand their emotions and how to deal with them.

Inspire. Support. Grow. FEmpower.

Find information, support and guidance from FEmpowering.


Large library of articles, resources and guides on how to approach general women's health issues.

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shallow focus photography of white flower
Health and Wellness Online Workshops

Participate in our health and wellness workshops to prioritize your well-being and self-care journey, and to ask questions not discussed enough about women's health.

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yellow tulip flower